It has been almost 4 years since I've made an upload. I've been busy. Really busy... With various things of my various passions. in 2018, however I would like to return to this art. It dawned on me that realistically, not only will I create the art I want to create but also that, in the process, I will finally get to study the aspects of art I simply cannot bring myself to study just for the sake of learning. It has to be useful right now. It has to be relevant to what i'm doing. That's the best way to learn anything - when you ahve a motive to use what you're learning. I've improved but nowhere near the level I'd like to be at. I want to explore more art styles, and dirrections. This is what I'm planning or 2018.
Thank you and I'll see you in the new submissions!
- Zommbox Artist locked in the basement by Tina Zoone.